An investigation on material removal mechanism in ultra-high-speed
6 Citations Metrics Abstract Ultra-high-speed grinding is a significant method for the advanced manufacturing of the difficult-to-machine material components, In this way, a low grinding temperature can be achieved. In this paper, experiments on the intermittent feed high-speed grinding of Metals Free Full-Text Experimental Study and
احصل على السعرSimulation and experimental analysis of super high-speed grinding
This study carries out high-speed grinding on the Al6061T6 alloy at a linear grinding speed of 30.4–307.0 m/s to explore surface integrity and material removal For this paper, we designed a high-speed precision grinder, LGID300, to grind P2-grade angular-contact 7014 ball bearings. By using this grinding machine and grinding technology, we sought to Design and Development of a High-Speed
احصل على السعرSubsurface residual stress and damaged layer in high-speed grinding
Abstract Subsurface residual stress and damaged layer play a vital role in determining the accuracy maintenance and fatigue performance of parts. Due to the It was shown that condition using the sol–gel grinding wheel and cooling with liquid nitrogen and condition using cBN grinding wheel at peripheral wheel speed up Effects of abrasive type cooling mode and peripheral grinding
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High-performance grinding is essential to achieve high dimensional accuracy and surface integrity of ground components at optimum cost efficiency. The Effects of grinding speeds on the subsurface damage of single crystal silicon based on molecular dynamics simulations Semantic Scholar. DOI: Effects of grinding speeds on the subsurface damage of
احصل على السعرsbm/sbm universal grinding machine of speed upto 15000
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.206 工 程 力 学 Key words: rail maintenance; high-speed rail grinding; test-bed; tangential grinding force; normal loading force; radius of the rail 钢轨打磨技术是铁路线路的常规维护技 术[1―7]。近年来出现的一种钢轨高速打磨列车,以 其打磨钢轨高速打磨试验台的切向磨削力修正方法研究
احصل على السعر钢轨打磨机理研究进展及展望
钢轨打磨机理研究进展及展望. 钢轨打磨机理研究进展及展望. 周 坤 王文健 刘启跃 郭 俊. 西南交通大学牵引动力国家重点实验室,成都,610031. 综述了钢轨打磨过程中材料的去除机理,主要包括钢轨打磨时 A study of a noncircular workpiece grinding mechanism for improving the quality of noncircular grinding was conducted. By combining the principle of heat transfer, the geometry, and the kinematics in the high-speed grinding of noncircular workpiece, a variable heat flow distribution model was developed to evaluate the temperature field. Theoretical and experimental study of temperature field in
احصل على السعر钢轨打磨技术及磨具研究进展
被动打磨通常也被称为高速打磨,又称为托磨或者滚磨,其英文全称为high speed grinding(简称HSG)。这种打磨技术是磨具无自转动力,通过调整磨具轴向与轨面的夹角和压力,在打磨车牵引下磨具在轨面形成非纯滚动的相对运动,从而实现磨具对轨面的磨削。X(θ) is the feed displacement of grinding wheel on the X-axis, and C is the rotation angle of workpiece on the C-axis. By taking the first derivative of X(θ), the X-axis feed speed of grinding wheel can be calculated.The data calculated by the model were incorporated into the CNC grinding machine. 2.3 Experimental system. As shown in Fig. Experimental study on residual stress in high-speed grinding
احصل على السعر超高速加工技术 百度百科
超高速加工技术是指采用 超硬材料 刀具和磨具,利用能可靠地实现高速运动的高精度、高自动化和高柔性的制造设备,以提高切削速度来达到提高材料切除率、加工精度和加工质量的先进加工技术 [1] 。. 中文名. 超高速加工技术. 外文名. Ultra high High-speed rail grinding is a unique passive grinding maintenance strategy that differs from conventional grinding techniques. Its grinding behavior is dependent on the relative motion between the grinding wheel and rail; hence, it possesses great speed and efficiency. In this study, the effects of the duration of grinding time and Investigating the Effect of Grinding Time on High-Speed Grinding
احصل على السعرvitesse perhitungan broyeur peripical
perhitungan peripical de broyage ciment vertical perhitungan peripical de broyage ciment vertical batubara prose crusher perhitungan peripical speed grinding mill finasol osr 52 Batubara bois de santal prose . or broyage puissance de la machine 430 kw ledsledcustoms eu calcul puissance broyeur boulets pour ciments L effort s exerçant sur le高速磨削技术的现状及发展前景. 人们一直对于提高磨削的砂轮速度所带来的 技术优势和经济效益给予了充分的注意和重视。. 但是在高速磨削过程中,工件受热变形和表面烧 伤等均限制了砂轮速度的进一步提高,砂轮强度 和机床制造等关键技术也使得高速磨削高速磨削技术的现状及发展前景 百度文库
احصل على السعرMachining behaviors of glass-ceramics in multi-step high-speed grinding
Grinding force is one of the significant parameters to assess machining behaviors. Fig. 2 shows the effects of grinding parameters on the F n ’ and the F t ’ under various high-speed grinding steps. The results show that higher F n ’ and F t ’ can be seen at higher v w and a p under different high-speed grinding steps, as expected. TheLow-speed grinding tests are performed for pyrite and quartz at three different feed sizes (-3.35+2.36 mm, -2.36+1.7 mm, and -1.7+1.18 mm). The test conditions such as mill rotation speed of 10 rpm, grinding concentration of 75%, the medium filling rate of 40%, mediumJournal of Physics: Conference Series IOPscience
احصل على السعرEffects of abrasive type cooling mode and peripheral grinding
The second set was conducted with a grinding speed ranging from 60 to 260 m/s and is referred to as high-speed grinding tests (HSGTs). All CGTs were performed in down cut plunge surface grinding mode using a Teknoscuola SRT600 grinding machine. The work speed was fixed to 0.15 mm/s (9 m/min) and the depth of cut was varied from 摘要. 摘要: 运用分子动力学仿真模拟高速磨削下单颗金刚石磨粒切削单晶硅的过程,通过分析切屑、相变、位错运动并结合工件表面积的演变规律研究磨削速度对亚表层损伤和磨削表面完整性的影响. 仿真结果显示:磨削速度的增大会加剧磨粒前端材料的堆积单晶硅高速磨削亚表层损伤机制的分子动力学仿真研究 tribology
احصل على السعرResearch on Surface Quality and Wheel Wear of Internal
Then, the influence of headstock rotating speed and grinding depth on thread surface quality was studied under the high-speed grinding condition with grinding wheel linear speed of 80 m/s. The test factors and levels are shown in Table 2. The grinding depth range is 0.01–0.05 mm, and the headstock speed range is 1–5 rpm.High-speed grinding is newly developed as a powerful tech-nique for achieving good component quality combined with high productivity [1, 2]. The increase in grinding speed can reduce the undeformed chip thickness, thus resulting in a reduction in grinding forces, wheel wear, and in workpiece surface roughness [2]. Until now, a Tribological characteristics in high-speed grinding of
احصل على السعرHigh-Speed Grinding of Advanced Ceramics and
Abstract. High-speed grinding is an important process for high-performance machining of advanced materials due to its capability for high-efficiency and excellent surface integrity. In this chapter we introduced the fundamentals of high-speed grinding, followed by a review of our practices of high-speed grinding in recent years.Grinding is a choice for obtaining high surface quality and closer dimensional tolerance. For meeting this objective economically, the material removal rate (MRR) must be sacrificed to certain extent. The MRR could be increased by either increase in wheel speed, depth of cut, and feed rate. An increase in MRR increases the surface High Speed Grinding of EN31 Steel with Alumina Nanofluid
احصل على السعرGreen Manufacturing and Sustainable Manufacturing
Combination of Speed Stroke Grinding and High Speed Grinding with Regard to Sustainability B. Linke1, M. Duscha2, F. Klocke2, D. Dornfeld1 1Laboratory for Manufacturing and Sustainability (LMAS) at UC Berkeley, USA 2Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering (WZL) at RWTH Aachen University, Germany Abstract Hence, considering the impact of the defects produced in the semi-finishing high-speed grinding is extremely significant to the finishing high-speed grinding, it is recommended to select moderate grinding parameters so that the workpieces are processed in the brittle-ductile mode to quickly remove the defects generated in the rough grinding Machining behaviors of glass-ceramics in multi-step high-speed grinding
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